
Privacy policy

Speakeasy School is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal data of students and staff. We will respect any personal data you share with us and keep it safe. We aim to be clear when we collect your personal data and not do anything you wouldn’t reasonably expect.

If you want to update, amend or correct any of the information we hold about you, you can send an email to the address listed in the Contact details on this website.

Your privacy

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand our practices regarding your personal data and how we will collect, use and store your personal data. We may update this policy from time to time so please check it regularly.

Information collected

For our students: Speakeasy School may collect and hold the following information about you:

  • your full name and your title or an indication of the gender that you most closely associate with;
  • birth date or alternatively a relevant age range;
  • postal address;
  • telephone number(s);
  • email address(es);

.• Photographs and digital images of individuals/groups for publicity on website and social media social media

  • emergency contact details;
  • any health issues (e.g. disabilities or special needs which we need to be aware of)

Uses of information

  • Processing your enrolment and contacting you in relation to your course booking
  • Providing you with information you request
  • Sending you periodic emails about news and special offers
  • Complying with any requirements imposed on us by law

For our staff: Speakeasy School may collect and hold the following information about you:

  • personal details such as name, address, phone numbers
  • information gathered via the recruitment process such as that entered into a CV or included in a CV cover letter, references from former employers, details on your education and employment history etc
  • details relating to pay administration such as National Insurance numbers, bank account details and tax codes
  • medical or health information
  • information relating to your employment with us, including:
  • job title and job descriptions
  • your salary
  • your terms and conditions of employment
  • details of formal and informal proceedings involving you such as letters of concern, disciplinary and grievance proceedings, your annual leave records, appraisal and performance information

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) establishes 6 legal bases on which we can process your data: these are Consent, Contract, Legal Obligation, Vital Interests, Public Task and Legitimate Interests. For further information about these legal bases and fuller definitions, please refer to the ICO website.

Changes To This Policy

We will review this Privacy Policy every 12 months and we encourage you to check back periodically for the latest statement.

Contact Details

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or require any further information please contact us by email or by writing to us at:

Speakeasy School, 24 Chiswick High Road, W4 1TE

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